My Hormonal Acne Journey and Current Skincare Routine

Acne is something most people struggle with at some point in their life and I was no different. As soon as puberty hit I began getting pimples that soon developed into cystic acne as a teenager. Many people also experience hormonal acne when they get pregnant and hormones are fluctuating. I began taking birth control [...]

Cultivating Montessori-friendly Spaces with Multiple Age Children

As someone who lives in a (relatively) small apartment with two adults and three children, this is something I have had to think about from day one. I often remember fondly the days when I only had one toddler in the space and everything was set up for him. Oh, how easy I had it! [...]

5 Questions I Ask Myself Before Buying a Children’s Toy

Over the last couple of years I have been on a long journey towards carefully curating the types of toys and materials that come into our home. Since I began studying Maria Montessori's philosophy a couple of years ago, I've become much more aware of just how important it is to select the right type [...]

My All Time Favorite Baby Led Weaning Products (After Three Kids!)

After three kids and three different baby led weaning experiences, I think I've finally found all the best products available as of 2021! Baby led weaning can be super fun...but also very messy! There's a few products I've found to be extremely useful in the last six months and I think they will continue to [...]

Twins in Tokyo: Which double stroller should you buy?

Buying a stroller can be a difficult process, even for just one baby! But buying a double stroller, especially when you live in a condensed city like Tokyo, can feel like an impossible task. Before buying my double stroller, I did a lot of research on the available options and asked in my local twin [...]