Fostering Creativity in Children the Montessori Way

As a parent, fostering creativity in my three children has always been high on my list of priorities. Growing up, it wasn't until high school that I really considered myself an artist of any sort, and after taking a few art classes, I went on to study art history in university. Despite some experience in [...]

Montessori, Fantasy, and Pretend Play in the First Plane (Age 0-6)

Montessori is often associated with a classroom or home environment that is all work and no play, and to some extent this is true (depending on what you consider work and what you consider play). In the Montessori classroom, the materials and activities provided are there to encourage the child to concentrate. When a child [...]

My Hormonal Acne Journey and Current Skincare Routine

Acne is something most people struggle with at some point in their life and I was no different. As soon as puberty hit I began getting pimples that soon developed into cystic acne as a teenager. Many people also experience hormonal acne when they get pregnant and hormones are fluctuating. I began taking birth control [...]

Getting Started With Montessori At Home (without spending lots of money!)

It's easy to look at all the fancy Instagram photos and "shelfies" and think Montessori is all about expensive materials. While the Montessori classroom tends to have a certain standard and quality for their materials that tends to come with a price tag, your Montessori home doesn't need all of that. In fact, it's better [...]